HAT Medicine

Суббота, Май 18, 2024

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About my operation

Опубликовано в: Глазные болезни
Суббота, Января 16 2016, 05:04
Hello, my name is Maia. I live in Tbilisi, Georgia. I`m 51 years old woman. 24 years ago I had a surgery because of a cancer in my head. After this operation I`ve lost my sight. Since than, I can see with 0% from the right eye, and only 10% from the left eye. I was diagnosed with optic nerve atrophy. I want to know if you can help me with something and approximately how much it will cost.
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    Воскресенье, Января 24 2016, 08:52 - #постоянная ссылка
    We have had several cases of optic nerve atrophy treatment after surgery to remove a brain tumor in humans. One of the patients the operation was carried out in 1990, but the vision continued to deteriorate. ( http://hatmedicine.com/atrofia50 ) After our treatment has been good effect
    But if you have for a long time and a field of view of the tubular is not deteriorated, it can be left untreated.
    It is necessary to determine the field of view in the dynamics
    Sincerely, Hajiyev R.V.
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    Суббота, Января 23 2016, 12:54 - #постоянная ссылка
    Thanks for answering to my question Mr. Hajiyev. I`ve seen the article about the "Optic nerve atrophy" and I want to tell you that my diagnose of optic nerve atrophy was caused by optic nerve atrophy in different brain tumors (compression atrophy). What`s about my field of vision of the left eye, it looks like I see in a narrow tunnel. The status of the optic nerve is an atrophy, but visual acuity is 10%. 24 years gone since my operation to remove a cancer in my head, however my vision acuity is the same.
    Sincerely, Maia
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    Пятница, Января 22 2016, 12:10 - #постоянная ссылка
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    Пятница, Января 22 2016, 12:06 - #постоянная ссылка
    Hello May.
    As for the right eye, we can not guarantee you. But the left eye after our treatment will stop the deterioration and will improve. It is better to predict the effect of the treatment of the following data to send
    1. The field of vision of the left eye
    2. Status of the optic nerve
    Sincerely, Professor Hajiyev RV About the price do not worry.
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